It probably wouldn’t surprise you to learn that 86% of customers look to online, third-party reviews as proof that the purchase they are considering will deliver the value they’re seeking1. And if you think back to your most recent purchases, you might find that you used this methodology too. You probably have your own experience with scouring the internet for reviews, ratings, and other forms of third party validation before making an important purchase decision.

But what if I told you that your prospective clients behave no differently when it comes to selecting a professional service provider to work with?

ClearlyRated’s Star Ratings Widget helps B2B service firms maximize the value of their client (or talent) survey program

At ClearlyRated, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to quickly deliver prospective buyers social proof of the value your firm provides. Which is why we developed our Star Ratings Widget – a simple way to showcase your firm’s third-party validated client (or, for staffing and recruiting firms, talent) ratings right on your website.

What is ClearlyRated’s Star Ratings Widget?

The Star Ratings Widget is a new feature designed to help the businesses we serve maximize the value of their ClearlyRated survey results in their digital marketing and online reputation efforts. With the widget, star ratings that populate on your profile page can, in real-time, populate on any page(s) of your website. It’s instant social proof on your most visited marketing asset, and also helps improve the SEO value of your profile pages by confirming for Google that those pages are affiliated with your brand.

The Power of Online Reviews on Your Website

Compared with other information on your website, buyers of B2B services are 2x as likely to trust online ratings and reviews as a top resource for determining the quality of your firm2. And that makes sense. When every firm touts their dedication to an excellent client experience, sharing credible and validated proof of those service claims is a critical strategy for setting your brand apart.

Pulling directly from the survey data generated from your ClearlyRated survey, the Star Ratings Widget allows you to easily showcase real-time user generated third-party ratings in the heart of where your prospective clients are actively researching your company (or better yet, considering a purchase!).

Maximizing Survey Results for Social Proof


In an effort to provide your end-user the most accurate picture of the service you provide, multiple versions of the star ratings widget can be generated to reflect your firm’s varying locations, brands, and audiences. Once on your website, the Star Ratings Widget will provide:

  • Real-time survey data population
  • Quick access to client testimonials hosted on your profile page
  • Increased search engine results page (SERP) visibility

We have implemented the widget on our own website. You can view it on our home page (scroll down below the industry push buttons) and also in the footer for an example of how we’ve used it.

How to Get Star Ratings on Your Website

Adding the Star Ratings Widget to your website is as simple as pasting a small bit of code from your ClearlyRated dashboard into the desired location(s) on your website.

If you currently have an active subscription with ClearlyRated at the premium package level or higher – the Star Ratings Widget is available to you at no extra cost! For step-by-step instructions to activate the widget, head to your ClearlyRated survey dashboard (go to Online Profile > Widgets) or click here to learn more.

You will configure the widget in the dashboard and then copy the generated code snippet. Share this code with your development team, or whoever manages your website code-base, to have it added to your website. Note: within your profile page settings you must have your star ratings and testimonials turned on in order for the widget to display. You can check (or update) this setting by going to Online Profile > Profile Pages > ‘Manage Profile’ within your dashboard.

And, if you don’t already work with ClearlyRated, we’d love to chat more with you about how we can help measure and maximize the client experience at your firm. Please feel free to contact us for more information about our survey program. Or, you can read about ClearlyRated’s survey program here.

1BrightLocal, 2018
2ClearlyRated 2019 Industry Benchmark Report

  • ClearlyRated

    ClearlyRated is dedicated to assisting our clients kick a** in their client experience strategy and continuously on a mission to help B2B service firms differentiate themselves based on their service excellence. Our platform blends a short, client satisfaction survey leveraging NPS® to improve retention, grow accounts, win new business, and boost online reputation.