Here at ClearlyRated, we are always looking for ways to make client feedback more accessible. We know that one method to accomplish this is by leveraging technology to make survey data available directly within the systems that your team already relies upon for their day-to-day work.

Which is why we are excited to announce that the ClearlyRated NPS survey program now integrates with Microsoft Dynamics—a CRM widely used by professional service providers!

Our integration with Microsoft Dynamics will allow your team to view their clients’ survey responses directly within the affiliated contact record in Microsoft Dynamics. That means a client’s historical Net Promoter® ratings for your firm as well as their responses to open-ended and driver survey questions are easily accessed from the place where your team is most likely to look for information about that client—your CRM.

Empower your team with real-time insights into clients’ experiences

Your client feedback is only as powerful as the action that is taken with it. And we have seen time and again that one of the largest hurdles that professional service providers face when trying to capture this ROI is getting client feedback into the hands of the people who need it the most: your client-facing staff and relationship holders.

The ClearlyRated Microsoft Dynamics integration empowers professional service providers to automatically, and seamlessly, share real-time client feedback with their client-facing teams. Leveraging this integration, service providers are able to bypass the more manual aspects of distributing client responses, and secure the full ROI of their NPS survey program from start to finish.

ClearlyRated data appears as a custom tab in Microsoft Dynamics

Once integrated, any member of your team can easily navigate to the ClearlyRated tab in Microsoft Dynamics. The custom tab appears in the top navigation bar within a client contact (but may also be integrated in different ways depending on your preferences in the Microsoft Dynamics platform).

If a client has participated in a ClearlyRated survey, all of their historical survey responses as well as any new feedback will automatically populate in the ClearlyRated tab within the client’s contact record in Microsoft Dynamics. Using iframe technology, the information in the tab will look the same way it appears in the ClearlyRated survey dashboard. This information includes:

  • Full survey response
  • Historical view of responses for that contact
  • Testimonials and shout outs
  • Issue tracking

How to get the integration

If you are currently utilizing Microsoft Dynamics and have an active subscription with ClearlyRated—the integration is available to you at no extra cost! To ensure your data is secure, email-based authentication will occur on the first use of the integration and every 30 days following. Head over to your ClearlyRated dashboard for a step-by-step guide with built-in documentation for how to set up your Microsoft Dynamics integration (note: to set up an integration, you must be an admin-level user).

And, if you don’t already work with ClearlyRated, we’d love to chat more with you about how we can help measure the client experience at your firm. Please feel free to contact us for more information about our survey program. Or, you can read about ClearlyRated’s survey program for your industry here.

  • Nathan Goff

    Nathan Goff is the Chief Product Officer (CPO) at ClearlyRated. He manages the product strategy and development, where he gets to channel his passion for growing technology companies through continuous improvement and a focus on client and employee satisfaction.